Are Your Campaigns Truly Effective? Find Out How They Impact Brand Recognition​

Are Your Campaigns Truly Effective? Find Out How They Impact Brand Recognition


Our client, a leading appliance manufacturer dedicated to superior craftsmanship and quality, partnered with Biznaga Media to launch a comprehensive digital marketing campaign aimed at showcasing the exceptional performance and value of their kitchen stoves compared to competitors.


Our client understood that brand recognition is not just a vanity metric but a critical driver of business success.

Increased brand recognition not only enhances brand equity but also influences consumer purchase decisions, ultimately impacting sales and revenue.

With a keen eye on their long-term growth objectives, our client sought to determine if their marketing investment was yielding tangible results in terms of heightened brand recognition compared to their competitors.

This data-driven approach would enable them to fine-tune their marketing strategies, ensuring they remained a top-of-mind choice for consumers in the appliance market.


Biznaga Media designed a comprehensive brand positioning study that included a carefully crafted question to assess brand salience: “Which of the following brands comes to mind first when you think of high-quality stoves?”

This question was presented to a representative sample of the target audience, with answer choices including the client’s brand name alongside those of their main competitors.

The responses to this question would provide a clear picture of the client’s brand positioning relative to its rivals, revealing valuable insights into consumer perception and brand strength.


The brand positioning campaign proved to be a resounding success, with a remarkable 32.9% of the exposed audience selecting our client’s brand as the first that came to mind when thinking of high-quality stoves.

This outstanding result not only demonstrates the effectiveness of the campaign in raising brand awareness but also solidifies our client’s position as a top contender in the market.

Moreover, our client’s brand surpassed the next closest competitor by a substantial margin of over 17%, highlighting a significant lead in brand recognition and consumer preference.

Key finding: Our client’s campaign achieved a significant impact on their audience, successfully differentiating their brand from the competition.