Our Market and Brand studies include:

Customized Top Market and Variety of Brand Research Survey Types
Fast insights and real-time results. Dashboard access
100% Digital multi-channel: Display, Video, DOOH, CTV
Cover entire user journey: from Awareness to Conversion

Customized Top Market and Variety of Brand Research Survey Types

Ad-recall: Recognition of the ad

Brand awareness & consideration: Measures the percentage of people who recognize and remember the brand after exposure to the advertising campaign.

NPS: (Net Promoter Score) Measure customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Market Analysis: Analyze your brand's position within the competitive landscape.

Feature Impact Assessment: Determine the impact of product or service features on customer satisfaction and behavior.

Fast insights and real-time results.

Get access to our Digital Real Time Dashboard, where you can see how your audience replies to the survey. Know how the Confidence Level and Margin of error are improving daily as more survey replies are received.

There is no need to wait weeks to get valuable Insights. We can reach your audience and get insights from day one. Insights will get more solid as more replies are received, but you can get a fast Sneak Peak from day one.

There is no need to fill out long and deep paper-based surveys. Please reach out to your audience where they are in the moment you want.

100% Customized survey questions. You decide on the questions we should use and will have our recommendation based on our experience. Get honest and unbiased replies. There is no pressure, no misguided results.

100% Digital and multi-channel: Display, Video, DOOH, CTV and Social.

Display, Video & Social: Survey users who have already engaged with the campaign.

CTV: Target users with the same IP address as CTV campaign viewers for survey participation.

DOOH: Distribute surveys to individuals located near the DOOH screens.

Cover entire user journey: from Awareness to Conversion

We can identify where each user is in the conversion funnel: get your insights based on where your audience is in the conversion funnel. You can survey only to your clients that recently purchased online or only to users that are comparing your product with the competence ones. You choose!

Awareness, Interest, Desire, Consideration, Conversion, Re-engage. ... We can reach your audience in each step of their conversion funnel.

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Strata Analytics
Biznaga Media has helped Strata Analytics create and execute a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy that leverages the power of creating rich media content, appointment setting, and social media marketing; They have also provided us with real-time data and analytics to measure the performance of our campaigns and optimize them for better results.
Julio Ardiles, —Co-founder Strata Analytics & Strata Labs
As an international provider of sensor-based sorting machines and systems for the recycling, waste, and mining industry, at REDWAVE, we attend many trade shows year-round. Biznaga Media has been the best partner in helping us impact trade show attendees at every event stage and measure results, using its unique digital strategy: Before, during, and after the trade show.
Angela Thaller, REDWAVE Head of International Marketing
Tenerias Omega
Working with Biznaga Media was absolutely seamless. They understood Tenerias Omega's needs from the initial meetings, even though Leather manufacturing is a different and niche industry. Having weekly meetings to review the leads was crucial for continuously adjusting and optimizing the message to improve the conversions, always open to suggestions and improvements.
Lucas Navarro, Head of Marketing Tenerias Omega